~/rubytesting/TheRubyProgrammingLanguage/Chapter7ClassesAndModules$ cat -n SubClass.rb 1 class Point 2 3 def chuchu 4 "Point: chuchu" 5 end 6 7 def chachi 8 "Point: chachi" 9 end 10 11 private :chuchu 12 protected :chachi 13 end 14 15 class SubClass < Point 16 17 def titi1 18 chuchu 19 end 20 21 def titi2 22 self.chuchu 23 end 24 25 def titi3 26 chachi 27 end 28 29 def titi4 30 self.chachi 31 end 32 end 33 34 if __FILE__ == $0 35 x = SubClass.new 36 puts x.titi1 37 begin 38 puts x.titi2 39 rescue 40 puts "Can't call private meth. via 'self'. Exception type: <#{$!.class}> message: <#{$!}>" 41 end 42 43 puts x.titi3 44 45 puts x.titi4 46 47 begin 48 puts x.chachi 49 rescue 50 puts "Can't call protected meth. from outside. Exception type: <#{$!.class}> message: <#{$!}>" 51 end 52 end
La ejecución del programa produce la salida:
~/rubytesting/TheRubyProgrammingLanguage/Chapter7ClassesAndModules$ ruby SubClass.rb Point: chuchu Can't call private meth. via 'self'. Exception type: <NoMethodError> message: <private method `chuchu' called for #<SubClass:0x1001685b8>> Point: chachi Point: chachi Can't call protected meth. from outside. Exception type: <NoMethodError> message: <protected method `chachi' called for #<SubClass:0x1001685b8>>
The rule about when a protected
method can be invoked can be
described as follows:
A protected method defined by a class V
may be invoked on an object c
by a method in an object m
en el ejemplo)
if and only
if the classes of c
are both subclasses of the class
Casiano Rodriguez León 2015-01-07