Account Verification and add-ons

You must verify your account by adding a credit card before you can add any add-on to your app other than heroku-postgresql:dev and pgbackups:plus.

Adding a credit card to your account lets you

  1. use the free add-ons,
  2. allows your account to have more than 5 apps at a time (verified accounts may have up to 100 apps),
  3. and gives you access to turn on paid services any time with a few easy clicks.
  4. The easiest way to do this is to go to your account page and click Add Credit Card.
  5. Alternatively, when you attempt to perform an action that requires a credit card, either from the Heroku CLI or through the web interface, you will be prompted to visit the credit card page.
    [~/sinatra/sinatra-datamapper-jump-start(master)]$ heroku addons:add rediscloud:20
    Adding rediscloud:20 on dgjgxcl-songs... failed
     !    Please verify your account to install this add-on
     !    For more information, see
     !    Verify now at

Casiano Rodriguez León 2015-01-07