Pon la información basica acerca del módulo
en la raíz del proyecto.
Como ejemplo veamos el README.md
(observa que
está en formato markdown)
del proyecto ebnf-parser:
$ cat README.md # ebnf-parser A parser for BNF and EBNF grammars used by jison. ## install npm install ebnf-parser ## build To build the parser yourself, clone the git repo then run: make This will generate `parser.js`, which is required by `ebnf-parser.js`. ## usage The parser translates a string grammar or JSON grammar into a JSON grammar that jison can use (ENBF is transformed into BNF). var ebnfParser = require('ebnf-parser'); // parse a bnf or ebnf string grammar ebnfParser.parse("%start ... %"); // transform an ebnf JSON gramamr ebnfParser.transform({"ebnf": ...}); ## example grammar The parser can parse its own BNF grammar, shown below: %start spec /* grammar for parsing jison grammar files */ %{ var transform = require('./ebnf-transform').transform; var ebnf = false; %} %% spec : declaration_list '%%' grammar optional_end_block EOF {$$ = $1; return extend($$, $3);} | declaration_list '%%' grammar '%%' CODE EOF {$$ = $1; yy.addDeclaration($$,{include:$5}); return extend($$, $3);} ; optional_end_block : | '%%' ; declaration_list : declaration_list declaration {$$ = $1; yy.addDeclaration($$, $2);} | {$$ = {};} ; declaration : START id {$$ = {start: $2};} | LEX_BLOCK {$$ = {lex: $1};} | operator {$$ = {operator: $1};} | ACTION {$$ = {include: $1};} ; operator : associativity token_list {$$ = [$1]; $$.push.apply($$, $2);} ; associativity : LEFT {$$ = 'left';} | RIGHT {$$ = 'right';} | NONASSOC {$$ = 'nonassoc';} ; token_list : token_list symbol {$$ = $1; $$.push($2);} | symbol {$$ = [$1];} ; grammar : production_list {$$ = $1;} ; production_list : production_list production {$$ = $1; if($2[0] in $$) $$[$2[0]] = $$[$2[0]].concat($2[1]); else $$[$2[0]] = $2[1];} | production {$$ = {}; $$[$1[0]] = $1[1];} ; production : id ':' handle_list ';' {$$ = [$1, $3];} ; handle_list : handle_list '|' handle_action {$$ = $1; $$.push($3);} | handle_action {$$ = [$1];} ; handle_action : handle prec action {$$ = [($1.length ? $1.join(' ') : '')]; if($3) $$.push($3); if($2) $$.push($2); if ($$.length === 1) $$ = $$[0]; } ; handle : handle expression_suffix {$$ = $1; $$.push($2)} | {$$ = [];} ; handle_sublist : handle_sublist '|' handle {$$ = $1; $$.push($3.join(' '));} | handle {$$ = [$1.join(' ')];} ; expression_suffix : expression suffix {$$ = $expression + $suffix; } ; expression : ID {$$ = $1; } | STRING {$$ = ebnf ? "'"+$1+"'" : $1; } | '(' handle_sublist ')' {$$ = '(' + $handle_sublist.join(' | ') + ')'; } ; suffix : {$$ = ''} | '*' | '?' | '+' ; prec : PREC symbol {$$ = {prec: $2};} | {$$ = null;} ; symbol : id {$$ = $1;} | STRING {$$ = yytext;} ; id : ID {$$ = yytext;} ; action : '{' action_body '}' {$$ = $2;} | ACTION {$$ = $1;} | ARROW_ACTION {$$ = '$$ ='+$1+';';} | {$$ = '';} ; action_body : {$$ = '';} | ACTION_BODY {$$ = yytext;} | action_body '{' action_body '}' ACTION_BODY {$$ = $1+$2+$3+$4+$5;} | action_body '{' action_body '}' {$$ = $1+$2+$3+$4;} ; %% // transform ebnf to bnf if necessary function extend (json, grammar) { json.bnf = ebnf ? transform(grammar) : grammar; return json; } ## license MIT
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Casiano Rodriguez León 2015-01-07