... León0.1
DEIOC Universidad de La Laguna
... \k31.1
Una diferencia entre $ \backslash k$ y $ \backslash g$ es que el primero sólo admite un nombre como argumento mientras que $ \backslash g$ admite enteros
This Perl tip and associated text is copyright Perl Training Australia
... too31.3
En este caso la conmutatividad no funciona
... debugger31.4
catnip: La nepeta cataria, también llamada menta de los gatos, de la familia del tomillo y la lavanda. Su perfume desencadena un comportamiento en el animal, similar al del celo
... ejecución31.5
... salida31.6
... palabra-palíndromos31.7
No sé si existe el término. Significa que la lectura directa y la inversa pueden diferir en los signos de puntuación
... errores31.8
Versión de Grammar.pm obtenida por email con las correcciones de Damian
... quad31.9
A quad (pronounced KWAHD ) is a unit in a set of something that comes in four units. The term is sometimes used to describe each of the four numbers that constitute an Internet Protocol ( IP ) address. Thus, an Internet address in its numeric form (which is also sometimes called a dot address ) consists of four quads separated by "dots" (periods).

A quad also means a quarter in some usages. (A quarter as a U.S. coin or monetary unit means a quarter of a dollar, and in slang is sometimes called two bits. However, this usage does not mean two binary bits as used in computers.)

... grammar31.10
no funcionará si no se pone al principio de la gramática
... grammar31.11
miscreant - One who has behaved badly, or illegally; One not restrained by moral principles; an unscrupulous villain; One who holds an incorrect religious belief; an unbeliever; Lacking in conscience or moral principles; unscrupulous; Holding an incorrect religious belief.
... variables33.1
Repase la notación de Dewey introducida en la definición 33.9.6
... yacc35.1
La versión a la que se refiere esta sección es la 1.05 (Parse-Yapp-1.05.tar.gz)