[~/sinatra/sinatra-datamapper/data_mapper_example_agenda(master)]$ pwd -P /Users/casiano/local/src/ruby/STW/data_mapper_example2 [~/sinatra/sinatra-datamapper/data_mapper_example_agenda(master)]$ git remote -v origin git@github.com:crguezl/datamapper_example.git (fetch) origin git@github.com:crguezl/datamapper_example.git (push)
[~/sinatra/sinatra-datamapper/data_mapper_example_agenda(master)]$ cat app.rb #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'haml' require 'data_mapper' # full path! DataMapper.setup( :default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/agenda.db" )
We must specify our database connection.
We need to make sure to do this before you use our models, i.e. before we actually start accessing the database.
# Define the model class Contact include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :firstname, String property :lastname, String property :email, String end
The Contact
model is going to need to be persistent, so we'll
include DataMapper::Resource
The convention with model names is to use the singular, not plural version.
Module: DataMapper::Resource + (Object) included(model) privateMakes sure a class gets all the methods when it includes Resource.
Inside your class, call the property
method for each property
you want to add. The only two required arguments are the name
and type
, everything else is optional.
Primary keys are not automatically created for you. You MUST configure at least one key property on your data-store.
More often than not, you'll want an auto-incrementing integer as a primary key, so DM has a shortcut:
property :id, Serial
(Property) property(name, type, options = {})Defines a Property on the Resource
See the section Properties in datamapper.org.
new tables, and add columns to existing tables.
and it doesn't drop any columns.
# Show list of contacts %w{/ /contacts/?}.each do |r| get r do haml :list, :locals => { :cs => Contact.all } end end # Show form to create new contact get '/contacts/new' do haml :form, :locals => { :c => Contact.new, :action => '/contacts/create' } end # Create new contact post '/contacts/create' do c = Contact.new c.attributes = params c.save redirect("/contacts/#{c.id}") end # Show form to edit contact get '/contacts/:id/edit' do|id| c = Contact.get(id) haml :form, :locals => { :c => c, :action => "/contacts/#{c.id}/update" } end # Show form to find a contact by firstname get '/contacts/findform' do haml :findform, :locals => { :action => "/contacts/find" } end post '/contacts/find' do puts "params = #{params}" s = params.select { |k,v| v != '' } #s[:order] = [ :lastname.desc] s[:order] = [ :lastname.asc] puts "selected #{s}" cs = Contact.all(s) puts cs haml :list, :locals => { :cs => cs } end # # Edit a contact post '/contacts/:id/update' do|id| puts "en /contacts/:id/update: params = #{params} id = #{id}" c = Contact.get(id) puts c.inspect puts "Fail while recording #{c}" unless c.update( :firstname => params[:firstname], :lastname => params[:lastname], :email => params[:email]) redirect "/contacts/#{id}" end # Delete a contact post '/contacts/:id/destroy' do|id| c = Contact.get(id) c.destroy redirect "/contacts/" end # View a contact # TODO: Put at bottom? get '/contacts/:id' do|id| c = Contact.get(id) haml :show, :locals => { :c => c } end __END__
__END__ @@ layout %html %head %title Agenda %body = yield %a(href="/contacts/") Contact List %a(href="/contacts/findform") Find Contact @@form %h1 Create a new contact %form(action="#{action}" method="POST") %label(for="firstname") First Name %input(type="text" name="firstname" value="#{c.firstname}") %br %label(for="lastname") Last Name %input(type="text" name="lastname" value="#{c.lastname}") %br %label(for="email") Email %input(type="text" name="email" value="#{c.email}") %br %input(type="submit") %input(type="reset") %br - unless c.id == 0 %form(action="/contacts/#{c.id}/destroy" method="POST") %input(type="submit" value="Destroy") @@show %table %tr %td First Name %td= c.firstname %tr %td Last Name %td= c.lastname %tr %td Email %td= c.email %a(href="/contacts/#{c.id}/edit") Edit Contact @@list %h1 Contacts %a(href="/contacts/new") New Contact %table - cs.each do|c| %tr %td= c.firstname %td= c.lastname %td= c.email %td %a(href="/contacts/#{c.id}") Show %td %a(href="/contacts/#{c.id}/edit") Edit @@findform %h1 Find a contact for firstname %form(action="#{action}" method="POST") %label(for="firstname") First Name %input(type="text" name="firstname" value="") %br %label(for="lastname") Last Name %input(type="text" name="lastname" value="") %br %label(for="email") Email %input(type="text" name="email" value="") %br %input(type="submit") %input(type="reset") %br