

A typical small Ruby program commented using RDoc might be as follows. You can see the formatted result in EXAMPLE.rb and Anagram.



       # The program takes an initial word or phrase from
       # the command line (or in the absence of a
       # parameter from the first line of standard
       # input).  In then reads successive words or
       # phrases from standard input and reports whether
       # they are angrams of the first word.
       # Author::    Dave Thomas  (mailto:dave@x.y)
       # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2002 The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC
       # License::   Distributes under the same terms as Ruby

       # This class holds the letters in the original
       # word or phrase. The is_anagram? method allows us
       # to test if subsequent words or phrases are
       # anagrams of the original.
       class Anagram

         # Remember the letters in the initial word
         def initialize(text)
           @initial_letters = letters_of(text)
         # Test to see if a new word contains the same
         # letters as the original
         def is_anagram?(text)
           @initial_letters == letters_of(text)

         # Determine the letters in a word or phrase
         # * all letters are converted to lower case
         # * anything not a letter is stripped out
         # * the letters are converted into an array
         # * the array is sorted
         # * the letters are joined back into a string
         def letters_of(text)

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Mostrando la docuemntación con pry

[1] pry(main)> require './example'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> a ='foobar')
=> #<Anagram:0x007fd6d318f1a8 @initial_letters="abfoor">
[3] pry(main)> show-doc a.is_anagram?

From: /Users/casiano/local/src/ruby/LPP/rdoc/example.rb @ line 22:
Owner: Anagram
Visibility: public
Signature: is_anagram?(text)
Number of lines: 2

Test to see if a new word contains the same
letters as the original

Casiano Rodriguez León 2015-01-07