

What is

PEG.js is a parser generator for JavaScript that produces parsers.

PEG.js generates a parser from a Parsing Expression Grammar describing a language.

We can specify what the parser returns (using semantic actions on matched parts of the input).


To use the pegjs command, install PEG.js globally:

$ npm install -g pegjs
To use the JavaScript API, install PEG.js locally:

$ npm install pegjs

To use it from the browser, download the PEG.js library ( regular or minified version).

El compilador de línea de comandos

[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs/examples(master)]$ pegjs --help
Usage: pegjs [options] [--] [<input_file>] [<output_file>]

Generates a parser from the PEG grammar specified in the <input_file> and writes
it to the <output_file>.

If the <output_file> is omitted, its name is generated by changing the
<input_file> extension to ".js". If both <input_file> and <output_file> are
omitted, standard input and output are used.

  -e, --export-var <variable>        name of the variable where the parser
                                     object will be stored (default:
      --cache                        make generated parser cache results
      --allowed-start-rules <rules>  comma-separated list of rules the generated
                                     parser will be allowed to start parsing
                                     from (default: the first rule in the
  -o, --optimize <goal>              select optimization for speed or size
                                     (default: speed)
      --plugin <plugin>              use a specified plugin (can be specified
                                     multiple times)
      --extra-options <options>      additional options (in JSON format) to pass
                                     to PEG.buildParser
      --extra-options-file <file>    file with additional options (in JSON
                                     format) to pass to PEG.buildParser
  -v, --version                      print version information and exit
  -h, --help                         print help and exit

Using it

[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs/examples(master)]$ node
> PEG = require("pegjs")
{ VERSION: '0.8.0',
  GrammarError: [Function],
   { SyntaxError: [Function: SyntaxError],
     parse: [Function: parse] },
   { passes: 
      { check: [Object],
        transform: [Object],
        generate: [Object] },
     compile: [Function] },
  buildParser: [Function] }
> parser = PEG.buildParser("start = ('a' / 'b')+")
{ SyntaxError: [Function: SyntaxError],
  parse: [Function: parse] }

Using the generated parser is simple — just call its parse method and pass an input string as a parameter.

The method will return

You can tweak parser behavior by passing a second parameter with an options object to the parse method.

Only one option is currently supported:

startRule which is the name of the rule to start parsing from.

> parser.parse("abba"); 
[ 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a' ]

Opciones: allowedStartRules

Specifying allowedStartRules we can set the rules the parser will be allowed to start parsing from (default: the first rule in the grammar).

[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs/examples(master)]$ cat allowedstartrules.js 
var PEG = require("pegjs");
var grammar = "a = 'hello' b\nb = 'world'"; //"a = 'hello' b\nb='world';
console.log(grammar); // a = 'hello' b
                      // b = 'world'
var parser = PEG.buildParser(grammar,{ allowedStartRules: ['a', 'b'] });
var r = parser.parse("helloworld", { startRule: 'a' });
console.log(r); // [ 'hello', 'world' ]
r = parser.parse("helloworld")
console.log(r); // [ 'hello', 'world' ]

r =  parser.parse("world", { startRule: 'b' })
console.log(r); // 'world'

try {
  r = parser.parse("world"); // Throws an exception
catch(e) {

[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs/examples(master)]$ node allowedstartrules.js 
a = 'hello' b
b = 'world'
[ 'hello', 'world' ]
[ 'hello', 'world' ]
{ message: 'Expected "hello" but "w" found.',
  expected: [ { type: 'literal', value: 'hello', description: '"hello"' } ],
  found: 'w',
  offset: 0,
  line: 1,
  column: 1,
  name: 'SyntaxError' }

The exception contains

and properties with more details about the error.

Opciones: output

Opciones: plugin

La opción plugins indica que plugin se van a usar.
$ pegjs --plugin pegjs-coffee-plugin remove_left_recursive.pegjs

PEGjs Coffee Plugin

PEGjs Coffee Plugin is a plugin for PEG.js to use CoffeeScript in actions.

[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs_examples(master)]$ cat 
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
PEG = require 'pegjs'
coffee = require 'pegjs-coffee-plugin'
grammar = """
a = 'hello' _ b { console.log 3; "hello world!" }
b = 'world'     { console.log 2 }
_ = [ \t]+      { console.log 1 }
parser = PEG.buildParser grammar, plugins: [coffee]
r = parser.parse "hello world"
console.log("r = #{r}")
La ejecución nos muestra además el orden de abajo - arriba y de izquierda -derecha en la ejecución de las acciones semánticas:
[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs_examples(master)]$ coffee 
r = hello world!

Instalación de pegjs-coffee-plugin

[~/Dropbox/src/javascript/PLgrado/pegjs/examples(master)]$ npm install -g pegjs-coffee-plugin

Ejemplo con Acciones Semánticas en Coffee

[~/Dropbox/src/javascript/PLgrado/pegjs-coffee-plugin/examples(master)]$ cat simple.pegjs 
  @reduce = (left, right)->  
    sum = left
    for t in right
      op = t[0]
      num = t[1]
      switch op 
        when '+' then sum += num; break
        when '-' then sum -= num; break
        when '*' then sum *= num; break
        when '/' then sum /= num; break
        else console.log("Error! "+op)
sum   = left:product right:([+-] product)* { @reduce(left, right); }
product = left:value right:([*/] value)*   { @reduce(left, right); }
value   = number:[0-9]+                    { parseInt(number.join(''),10) }
        / '(' sum:sum ')'                  { sum }

[~/Dropbox/src/javascript/PLgrado/pegjs-coffee-plugin/examples(master)]$  cat 
PEG = require("./simple.js")
r = PEG.parse("2+3*(2+1)-10/2")

[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs/examples/coffee-plugin-examples(master)]$ pegjs --plugin pegjs-coffee-plugin simple.pegjs
[~/srcPLgrado/pegjs/examples/coffee-plugin-examples(master)]$ coffee
input = 3-1-2 result = 0
input = 2+3*(2+1)-10/2 result = 6

Véase También


If true, makes the parser cache results, avoiding exponential parsing time in pathological cases but making the parser slower (default: false).


Selects between optimizing the generated parser for parsing speed (speed) or code size (size) (default: speed).

Casiano Rodríguez León