
Ejercicios: Casos de Estudio

Véase nuestro proyecto Grammar Repository en GoogleCode.

Un mal diseño

Ejercicio 5.18.1   This grammar

  %token D S

  p: ds ';' ss  | ss ;
  ds: D ';' ds    
    | D  
  ss: S ';' ss  | S  ;

illustrates a typical LALR conflict due to a bad grammar design.


Gramática no LR(1)

La siguiente gramática no es LR(1).

[~/srcPLgrado/jison/jison-nolr]$ cat confusingsolvedppcr.y
    B 'c' 'd' 
  | E 'c' 'f' 
    'x' 'y'
    'x' 'y' 

Encuentre una gramática sin conflictos equivalente a la anterior.


Un Lenguaje Intrínsecamente Ambiguo

Ejercicio 5.18.2   A context-free language is inherently ambiguous if all context-free grammars generating that language are ambiguous. While some context-free languages have both ambiguous and unambiguous grammars, there are context-free languages for which no unambiguous context-free grammar can exist. An example of an inherently ambiguous language is the set

{ a^n b^n c^m : n >= 0, m >= 0 } U { a^n b^m c^m : n >= 0, m >= 0 }

Esto es: Concatenaciones de repeticiones de as seguidas de repeticiones de bs y seguidas de repeticiones de cs donde el número de as es igual al número de bs o bien el número de bs es igual al número de cs.


Conflicto reduce-reduce

La siguiente gramática presenta conflictos reduce-reduce:

Ejercicio 5.18.3  
[~/srcPLgrado/jison/jison-reducereduceconflict]$ cat reducereduceconflictPPCR2.y
%token ID


def:    param_spec return_spec ','
        |    name_list ':' type
        |    name ':' type
        |    name ',' name_list
Este es el diagnóstico de Jison:
~/srcPLgrado/jison/jison-reducereduceconflict]$ jison reducereduceconflictPPCR2.y
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is ID in state 5
- reduce by rule: name -> ID
- reduce by rule: type -> ID
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is : in state 5
- reduce by rule: name -> ID
- reduce by rule: type -> ID
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is , in state 5
- reduce by rule: name -> ID
- reduce by rule: type -> ID

States with conflicts:
State 5
  type -> ID . #lookaheads= ID : ,
  name -> ID . #lookaheads= ID : ,
Este es el resultado de compilar con bison -v:
[~/jison/jison-reducereduceconflict(master)]$ bison -v reducereduceconflictPPCR2.y
reducereduceconflictPPCR2.y: conflicts: 1 reduce/reduce
El fichero reducereduceconflictPPCR2.output queda así:
[~/jison/jison-reducereduceconflict(master)]$ cat reducereduceconflictPPCR2.output 
State 1 conflicts: 1 reduce/reduce


    0 $accept: def $end

    1 def: param_spec return_spec ','

    2 param_spec: type
    3           | name_list ':' type

    4 return_spec: type
    5            | name ':' type

    6 type: ID

    7 name: ID

    8 name_list: name
    9          | name ',' name_list

Terminals, with rules where they appear

$end (0) 0
',' (44) 1 9
':' (58) 3 5
error (256)
ID (258) 6 7

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$accept (6)
    on left: 0
def (7)
    on left: 1, on right: 0
param_spec (8)
    on left: 2 3, on right: 1
return_spec (9)
    on left: 4 5, on right: 1
type (10)
    on left: 6, on right: 2 3 4 5
name (11)
    on left: 7, on right: 5 8 9
name_list (12)
    on left: 8 9, on right: 3 9

state 0

    0 $accept: . def $end

    ID  shift, and go to state 1

    def         go to state 2
    param_spec  go to state 3
    type        go to state 4
    name        go to state 5
    name_list   go to state 6

state 1

    6 type: ID .
    7 name: ID .

    ','       reduce using rule 6 (type)
    ','       [reduce using rule 7 (name)]
    ':'       reduce using rule 7 (name)
    $default  reduce using rule 6 (type)

state 2

    0 $accept: def . $end

    $end  shift, and go to state 7

state 3

    1 def: param_spec . return_spec ','

    ID  shift, and go to state 1

    return_spec  go to state 8
    type         go to state 9
    name         go to state 10

state 4

    2 param_spec: type .

    $default  reduce using rule 2 (param_spec)

state 5

    8 name_list: name .
    9          | name . ',' name_list

    ','  shift, and go to state 11

    $default  reduce using rule 8 (name_list)

state 6

    3 param_spec: name_list . ':' type

    ':'  shift, and go to state 12

state 7

    0 $accept: def $end .

    $default  accept

state 8

    1 def: param_spec return_spec . ','

    ','  shift, and go to state 13

state 9

    4 return_spec: type .

    $default  reduce using rule 4 (return_spec)

state 10

    5 return_spec: name . ':' type

    ':'  shift, and go to state 14

state 11

    9 name_list: name ',' . name_list

    ID  shift, and go to state 15

    name       go to state 5
    name_list  go to state 16

state 12

    3 param_spec: name_list ':' . type

    ID  shift, and go to state 17

    type  go to state 18

state 13

    1 def: param_spec return_spec ',' .

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (def)

state 14

    5 return_spec: name ':' . type

    ID  shift, and go to state 17

    type  go to state 19

state 15

    7 name: ID .

    $default  reduce using rule 7 (name)

state 16

    9 name_list: name ',' name_list .

    $default  reduce using rule 9 (name_list)

state 17

    6 type: ID .

    $default  reduce using rule 6 (type)

state 18

    3 param_spec: name_list ':' type .

    $default  reduce using rule 3 (param_spec)

state 19

    5 return_spec: name ':' type .

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (return_spec)
Encuentre una gramática equivalente a la anterior sin conflictos.


When the problem arises, you can often fix it by identifying the two parser states that are being confused, and adding something to make them look distinct. In the above example, adding one rule to return_spec as follows makes the problem go away:

%token BOGUS
        |    name ':' type
        /* This rule is never used.  */
        |    ID BOGUS
This corrects the problem because it introduces the possibility of an additional active rule in the context after the ID at the beginning of return_spec. This rule is not active in the corresponding context in a param_spec, so the two contexts receive distinct parser states. As long as the token BOGUS is never generated by yylex, the added rule cannot alter the way actual input is parsed.

In this particular example, there is another way to solve the problem: rewrite the rule for return_spec to use ID directly instead of via name. This also causes the two confusing contexts to have different sets of active rules, because the one for return_spec activates the altered rule for return_spec rather than the one for name.

        |    name_list ':' type
        |    ID ':' type



Véase Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts

Casiano Rodríguez León