Coveralls: Análisis de Cubrimiento

Coveralls works with your continuous integration server to give you test coverage history and statistics.

When you log into Coveralls for the first time, it will ask you to select repositories to monitor.

It works like Travis CI, listing all of your repositories for you to enable and disable access. (You can also click a button to resynchronize the repository list, in case you’ve added a repository since last syncing).

To set up Coveralls, we need to add a file that tells Coverall what to do.

For our project, we need to add a file to the root directory named .coveralls.yml, in which we'll include a single line of configuration:

service_name: travis-ci
This tells Coveralls that we're using Travis CI as our CI server. (If you've signed up for a Pro account, then use travis-pro instead.)

We also need to add the Coveralls gem to our Gemfile

group :development, :test do
  gem 'rspec'
  gem 'rack-test'
  gem 'coveralls', require: false
Finally, we need to include coveralls code in our spec_helper.rb file:
require 'coveralls'

Notice that we have to load the code before the app code.

If you load Coveralls after the application’s code has loaded, then it wouldn’t be able to hook into the application properly.

coveralls en la Línea de Comandos

[~/sinatra/sinatra-selenium/capybara-selenium(master)]$ coveralls --help
  coveralls help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  coveralls last            # View the last build for this repository on Coveralls.
  coveralls open            # View this repository on Coveralls.
  coveralls push            # Runs your test suite and pushes the coverage results to Cover...
  coveralls report          # Runs your test suite locally and displays coverage statistics.
  coveralls service         # View this repository on your CI service's website.
  coveralls version         # See version


When you run the client you get:

[~/sinatra/sinatra-coverall(master)]$ coveralls open
No repo_token configured.

If you're running locally, you must have a .coveralls.yml with your repo_token in it; or, you must provide a COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN environment-variable on the command-line.

[~/sinatra/sinatra-coverall(master)]$ cat .coveralls.yml.bak 
service_name: travis-ci
repo_token: HHhhhhhhh9saXXXXZZZ4444444444xdWh


 export COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=HHhhhhhhh9saXXXXZZZ4444444444xdWh

You can get the token in your coveralls repo page on the right side in the section REPO TOKEN.



Casiano Rodriguez León 2015-01-07